Over the past few weeks I have had to evaluate where I am as an athlete, my race schedule, and my goals for this year. The catalyst for this evaluation began on February 25 th when I ran my first 8 mile run in over two years for my ½ marathon training. The run was hard. My body ached because it was not used to that type of mileage. Mentally I was drained, but I forced myself to get through the run. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. I did it, but boy did I pay for it the next day! Sunday morning I woke up with what I like to call “crunchy knees." Every few steps my knees would ache, the type of ache that makes you wonder if you have just shortened your race season or not. I decided I would take it easy for the next few days and see if that would ease my crunchy knees. Unfortunately the crunchy knees did not go away, but lucky for me I had an appointment coming up that Monday with my first-line-of-treatment doctor...