It is freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 For the longest time I was a slave to my hair. Before I became actively involved in endurance sports, I would avoid almost any type of activity that would cause me to sweat heavily. I did not want to “sweat out” my relaxer. Like so many women, I invested a lot of money and time in keeping my hair beautiful. I went to the hair salon every two weeks and only used salon quality products. At its longest my hair was halfway down my back. I loved my long hair and the attention that it brought me. Many times I was asked if my hair was a weave, and if so, where did I purchase it. My hair was part of my identity. As stated in an earlier blog I began running so I could control my blood pressure without using medication. I fell in love with running, but I did not love what it...