“Depression is a prison where you are both the suffering prisoner and the cruel jailer.” Dorothy Rowe Wow, it’s been 7 months since my last blog post. So much has happened since then. I have gone back and forth in my mind about writing this post since it’s so personal, but I believe in my heart that someone needs to read this post. That by reading this post someone may take that step to get help for themselves. My name is Sabrina Adams and periodically I suffer from bouts of depression. There, I have put it out there. I feel free and terrified all at the same time. My bouts of depression are usually caused by a traumatic event, but sometimes I become depressed for no apparent reason. Throughout my adult life I have sought help from therapists and in recent years I have been placed on a low dosage antidepressant. When my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s on New Year’s Eve 2012, I spiraled into depressive state. ...
“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.” Malcom X I have been putting off this blog post for a while. It has taken longer than I anticipated to process my emotions and quite frankly I just didn’t want to write about my experience at IMMT. I DNF’d. Before I go into detail as to what happened, let me just state that Mont Tremblant is a beautiful place. It is very picturesque and the people are very friendly. Mr. Adams and I arrived in Mont Tremblant on Thursday and about 15 minutes before athlete check-in closed for the day. I quickly ran and waited in line. The look of fear on my face must have been quite obvious because several people asked me if I was ok. I signed all the necessary documents, received my race essentials and schwag, and headed to my hotel with the hubs that was located a few miles ou...