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Fitting it All In

The most difficult aspect of training for a tri for me is time management.  It is imperative that I follow my training schedule as close as possible, but at the same time I must be flexible.  It is too easy for training to take over my life.  The first tri I did, my primary goal was to finish.  Now, I want to compete.  To compete I have to put in the time, but I have to keep things in perspective.  I am very fortunate that I have a very supportive husband who understands how important my training is to me.  He also understands "happy wife, happy life." : - )  Seriously, I really don't know how I would manage everything if my husband was not such a team player.  My only household chores are cooking  and taking the recycling and trash to the curb.  Mr. Adams takes care everything else.  Lucky me!

I do the majority of my workouts at the crack of dawn.  By doing so ensures that my workouts are completed, but it also gives me the rest of the day to juggle everything else that is going on in my life.  I have learned how to say no, but everyone once in a while something unexpected will come up, and my day is bursting at the seams.  On those days I become the ultimate multi-tasker.  It may mean cooking dinner at 5 am while I workout or working on a project while on a conference call.  Either way I usually get it done.

I am so amazed by those triathletes that are parents.  They are the ultimate multi-taskers.  I can't imagine having to manage someone else's day as well as my own .  Kudos to them!

Sometimes I do get overwhelmed, but on those days I take a deep breath and make a to do list.  As I complete each task I become more calm.  And once the to do list is complete, I have a sense of accomplishment.

At the end of the day the most important thing to me is my marriage.  I periodically check-in with Mr. Adams to make sure I am being the attentive wife that I need to be.  Usually I am on point, but every once in a while I falter.  When that occurs I re-evaluate how I am utilizing my time and make the necessary adjustments.  I never want Mr. Adams to feel neglected or unappreciated.  He means the world to me.

Training for a tri and having a life are possible, but it's all about having a good support system and knowing how to utilize your time.  Now what can I fit in before I go to bed?!



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