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Here I Go!

Welcome to my blog!  First and foremost THANK YOU for taking the time out of your busy day to read my little blog.  I hope at least one person that reads this blog will be inspired enough to try a tri or some other endurance sport.  I want everyone to experience the feeling of empowerment of completing an endurance event.  There is NOTHING like it! 

This blog will primarily focus on my pursuit of completing my first 1/2 IronMan triathlon in September of 2012, but on the way I will throw in some random topics.  Such topics will include my decision to stop relaxing my hair and transitioning to natural hair, if the Dallas Cowboys are going to the playoffs, and anything else that may pop in my head. 

I will end this post with my race report of my first and only tri that I posted on my Facebook page.  It was written with raw emotion, so who knows what kind of grammatical errors you may find.  Please bare in mind that I just wanted to share with as many people as possible what I had accomplished.  Until next time....

Today was the most physically challenging thing that I have ever done...and it almost didn't happen. I was fine before the race until it was almost time for me to get into the pool. I had a meltdown...ugly cry and all. Fortunately I had my teammates around me and they helped to calm me down. Furthermore, seeing the sea of pink around me was so encouraging. I got in the pool and just focused on getting to the wall each time. It wasn't pretty...I swam, ran, and doggy-paddled. My husband was able to get on the pool deck and cheer me on. At the end of the pool I could not find the strength to pool myself out of the pool. Fortunately two of the volunteers helped me, but I scraped up my legs and knees to the point I had blood running down my legs. 

I run down to transition to put on my socks, shoes, and helmet and I am off....or so I thought. I get to the mount line and get on my bike. My legs feel like rubber and I fall...hard. I get up and get back on my bike. I soon realize my seat is very crooked. I have to jump off my bike and try to fix my saddle to no avail. A spectator sees me in trouble and fixes my saddle for me. So now I am finally off! I used the first mile of the 11 mile bike ride to get some fluids in me and to get my mind right. After that first mile I was finally able to get into beastmode....and I cranked those last 10 miles (some very hilly) out. 

Once done with the bike it was time for my 5k. By then it was extremely hot and my mind and body were battling. And unknowingly to me my husband did not see me come back in from the bike, so he became concerned, got in his car, and started looking for me. Fortunatley he saw one of my friends who told him I was running. During the run I had some cramping and I was just exhausted, but I kept putting one foot in front of the other. Throughout this race I became a Gangster moment I was singing "God is Great" and praying, the next I was cursing so I could attack a hill...I know, that is so sad, but I am going to keep it real. I walked briefly through the two waterstops and right before the monster hill at the end of race. Going up the hill I got realll gansta, but I was struggling. At the top of hill was my husband. When I saw him I started to cry. I told him I had nothing left. He told me to dig deep and that I could finish. By then I saw the finish line, and with the little strength I had I sprinted for the last 100 meters.

I feel so empowered right now! I know I can do ALL things through Christ. I am so thankful for everyone that has supported and encouraged me. I am so glad to be a TRIgirl - those are some of the most awesome ladies that I know. I am so thankful for my husband. He has gone above and beyond during my training. Honestly, I can't truly put into words what I am feeling right now. I just can't......
I don't know my time, but at this point I really don't care...well maybe a little : - ) But seriously, I am just so glad and thankful that I finished. Thanks to everyone for being on this ride with me.


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