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Showing posts from October, 2013

Little “a” and Big “A”

Little “a” is my new name for Alzheimer’s.  I came up with that name from my friends that have battled against cancer and they call it Little “c”.  By calling it Little “a”, it takes away its power.  Since my mother was diagnosed I have given Little “a” too much power.  At times I allowed it to make me feel overwhelmed, useless, and helpless.  I allowed Little “a” to bring the darkness upon me.  The darkness is my name for depression.  I have dealt with the darkness before, such as when I was laid off unexpectedly and when my father passed away.  Little “a” momentarily had me thinking there was no way out of the darkness, that all was lost.  Fortunately with the support of my husband I reached out and got the help that I needed. Part of my early treatment with Little “a” meant joining a Little “a” care giver support group, going to see my therapist (everyone should have a therapist on speed dial), and being placed on a low dosage anti-de...

Operation Ironman – Phase 1

My tri race season has come to an end.  Overall it was successful with several PRs and great memories, but in all honesty I’m burned out, especially mentally.  I raced a LOT this year.  So far I have done 23 races that included road races, triathlons, and open water swims.  Next year I will not be racing as nearly as much.  Don’t get me wrong I love to race, but with the challenges I have had to face coping with my mom’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis, it was too much.  I only have four triathlons on my schedule for next year (Richmond Tri Club Sprint, Monticelloman Olympic, Rev3 Quassy, and Ironman Mont Tremblant), compared to the eight that I did this year.  I’ll be cutting back on my road races as well.  Now it’s time for me to work on some things during the offseason. Find a long term companion / caregiver for my mom.  Since my mom was diagnosed I have had a couple of people to help out with my mom.  For one reason or another t...