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Showing posts from November, 2011

Fitting it All In

The most difficult aspect of training for a tri for me is time management.  It is imperative that I follow my training schedule as close as possible, but at the same time I must be flexible.  It is too easy for training to take over my life.  The first tri I did, my primary goal was to finish.  Now, I want to compete.  To compete I have to put in the time, but I have to keep things in perspective.  I am very fortunate that I have a very supportive husband who understands how important my training is to me.  He also understands "happy wife, happy life." : - )  Seriously, I really don't know how I would manage everything if my husband was not such a team player.  My only household chores are cooking  and taking the recycling and trash to the curb.  Mr. Adams takes care everything else.  Lucky me! I do the majority of my workouts at the crack of dawn.  By doing so ensur...

Here I Go!

Welcome to my blog!  First and foremost THANK YOU for taking the time out of your busy day to read my little blog.  I hope at least one person that reads this blog will be inspired enough to try a tri or some other endurance sport.  I want everyone to experience the feeling of empowerment of completing an endurance event.  There is NOTHING like it!  This blog will primarily focus on my pursuit of completing my first 1/2 IronMan triathlon in September of 2012, but on the way I will throw in some random topics.  Such topics will include my decision to stop relaxing my hair and transitioning to natural hair, if the Dallas Cowboys are going to the playoffs, and anything else that may pop in my head.  I will end this post with my race report of my first and only tri that I posted on my Facebook page.  It was written with raw emotion, so who knows what kind of grammatical errors you may find.  Please bare in m...